Find ready-made themes from the WordPress theme library.
You can find themes I have developed on various sites.
⦿ Customer-specific themesV
I will create a theme for you entirely from your own requirements. In this way, the appearance and functionalities are made to meet your needs as well as possible. However, because a theme created from a scratch is laborious to develop, I often use the Underscores theme boilerplate created by WordPress developers as the basis for theme development. This gives me a 1000-hour head start in the development work. If you are interested in getting your own custom theme, contact me and I will tell you more about it.
⦿ Customer-specific versions of product themesV
A ready-made theme is inexpensive and quick to implement. The theme can be customized to better suit your needs. This is a very popular option and often the end result is good enough for its intended use. I have modified several themes created by the others. Contact me and I will tell you more about it.
If you need a new theme for your site, ask for more information.